Ian will always remain in our hearts as a caring and loving father to his children, his wife, and also a Man with a capital letter as he was very kind and caring even to those who were not part of his family! Always serious, but funny and entertaining at the same time, that's how I remembered him and that's how I will remember him for the rest of my life. I'd known Ian for three years, but in such a short time I'd come to love him like my own father. Ian, you were an example to many. Love and Sorrow.
Vika and Vova xxx
28th February 2025
I will always remember Ian as the kindest and most thoughtful colleague I ever worked with. He would always have a smile on his face to brighten anyone's gloomy day. He would always say something positive, encouraging, inspirational ... however small, it always had a huge impact. He was amazing with the children and all the staff alike, making them feel proud and valued. He was one in a million.
27th February 2025
We’ve always been so proud to be McAlinney’s and have your surname and we’re even prouder to be your sons. We will love and miss you forever.
Dan and Jake McAlinney
23rd February 2025